Interested in Hosting an IAAAC Conference at Your School?
On behalf of the International Association of Athletic Administrators and Coaches, we thank you for opening your school and community to host the associations international conference. Your school, community, students and staff will reap the benefits of hosting an IAAAC conference.
This document will provide you with the majority of planning needs that will assist the IAAAC conference in running as smooth as possible. In return for assisting the IAAAC in hosting the Athletic Directors conference, you school will receive numerous benefits that will be outlined in this document. IAAAC hopes the information in this document will provide the host school with an understanding of the hosting needs for the IAAAC conference.
If you are interesting hosting a IAAAC conference, please contact Kirby
Benefits of Hosting an IAAAC Conference
1. Host School Contact Liaison Person
When organizing a conference outside the home country of the association, there will be some organization that can only be done in-person. IAAAC recognizes how busy schools and athletic/activity programs are at international school and we want to minimize the amount of time the host school spends on assisting the IAAAC in organizing yet another event. However, in order to run a smooth event, IAAAC will need a contact person on the ground at the host school to ensure the conference will be run with as few problems as possible.
Host school will provide the contact information of a conference liaison
This could be the Athletic Director, a PE teacher or a host school professional that is competent and able to get small tasks completed. Liason will be able to assist the IAAAC in any additional questions or concerns.
2. Use of Facilities
The IAAAC conference is deigned to have two days of theory and one day of hands-on workshops. The hands-on workshops will require sport facilities to be available for the used for providing international teachers and coaches the opportunity to share sport specific drills and ideas.
3. Technology Needs
Allow for your school wifi to accessible for the one day to all IAAAC attendees
Provide IAAAC conference with at least one (1) IT technician to assist with computer issues that could include internet access, password clearance, projector and workshop tech set up needs. Provide student tech assistance or IT assistance to digitally film each sport workshop*
4. Use of Sports Equipment
IAAAC will canvas all the workshop presenters to determine their exact needs for each workshop. One month prior to the conference, IAAAC will submit a list of materials that will be needed at each workshop site.
Provide a staff/set up crew to assist in the distribution of sports equipment to various venues prior to the start of each workshop or a system to allow workshop presenters to access sports equipment
Provide a generic set of equipment (sport specific balls, bibs, cones) for general drill presentations at each workshop site
5. Students Athletics
The sport workshops are hands-on opportunities for coaches/teachers to share their drills with all participants. In reality, the best manner in which to remember a drill is to participate in the drill, however, sometimes it is very beneficial for teachers to watch a pro in action. Having students assist each coach will his/her drill will allow for teachers to video or take notes during the drill presentation.
6. Food Services
IAAAC will have a large number of hungry coaches, teachers and Athletic Directors that need to be fed. On each day of the conference, IAAAC will provide two (2) coffee breaks as well as a hearty lunch. On day one (1) and day three (3) the food will be provided by the conference hotel. On day two (2) of the conference, meals and breaks will be at the school site. We have two suggested options for the on-site day.
Option 1
7. Suppliers
There are a number of items that will complement the success of any conference. Quality suppliers of various materials will decrease import issues as well as support the local economy of the host school. IAAAC will need a number of suppliers from the local market to assist in providing a quality conference. Please provide IAAAC with contact information for the follow suppliers that your school currently uses.
8. Receiving & Storage of IAAAC Items
Prior to the IAAAC Conference, conference items will arrive at the host school and need to be stored. To decrease the inconvenience of taking up space in a schools’ precious storage areas, IAAAC will arrange to do its best to ensure all items arrive as close to the conference date as possible. However, this is not always possible. IAAAC requests the storage of IAAAC items in a clean, dry, safe and secure area of the host school.
*Complementary Access to IAAAC Conference
In appreciation for utilizing your schools facilities to assist in supporting, IAAAC will provide a number of ‘general access’ passes to members of your educational organization. This pass will provide an executive attendee access to all events, workshops presentations and meals. This attendee does not register for any events or the conference and will receive a special ‘all access’ pass for the conference. General Access pass is reserved for the following persons from the host school. Please provide IAAAC with the names and correct titles for each of the following positions by September 1
Host School Attendees
The host school will be able to register up to 10 physical education teachers and coaches that are employed at the school as a teacher, or as a full time coach for the host school. The registration for these teachers and coaches will be waved.
If the host school chooses to register more than 10 teachers and coaches, a charge will be applied to cover the cost of conference meals, room rental, conference fees that the conference hotel is charging IAAAC on a per person rate. This amount comes to approximately $____US/person.
Discount Codes
When registering your first 10 staff, in order to receive the 100% discount for each attendee, please enter the following code <_____> on the main registration page. When registering any additional staff 11+ persons, please enter the following code <_____> on the main registration page
This document will provide you with the majority of planning needs that will assist the IAAAC conference in running as smooth as possible. In return for assisting the IAAAC in hosting the Athletic Directors conference, you school will receive numerous benefits that will be outlined in this document. IAAAC hopes the information in this document will provide the host school with an understanding of the hosting needs for the IAAAC conference.
If you are interesting hosting a IAAAC conference, please contact Kirby
Benefits of Hosting an IAAAC Conference
- Positive publicity and marketing opportunities for your school
- Opportunity to network and recruit potential physical education teachers, athletic or activity directors and/or coaches
- Students will be able to train with top coaches from around the world
- Showcase your school and facilities
- Promotion of the host school on the IAAAC website and all publications that are in conjunction with this specific conference
- Physical Education teachers and coaches employed full time by the host school will be able to attend the conference without paying registration fees*
1. Host School Contact Liaison Person
When organizing a conference outside the home country of the association, there will be some organization that can only be done in-person. IAAAC recognizes how busy schools and athletic/activity programs are at international school and we want to minimize the amount of time the host school spends on assisting the IAAAC in organizing yet another event. However, in order to run a smooth event, IAAAC will need a contact person on the ground at the host school to ensure the conference will be run with as few problems as possible.
Host school will provide the contact information of a conference liaison
This could be the Athletic Director, a PE teacher or a host school professional that is competent and able to get small tasks completed. Liason will be able to assist the IAAAC in any additional questions or concerns.
2. Use of Facilities
The IAAAC conference is deigned to have two days of theory and one day of hands-on workshops. The hands-on workshops will require sport facilities to be available for the used for providing international teachers and coaches the opportunity to share sport specific drills and ideas.
- All sport facilities are make available for sport workshops
- Changing facilities for teachers & coaches
- Classroom use for some theory workshops
- Computer lab use for tech workshop
3. Technology Needs
Allow for your school wifi to accessible for the one day to all IAAAC attendees
Provide IAAAC conference with at least one (1) IT technician to assist with computer issues that could include internet access, password clearance, projector and workshop tech set up needs. Provide student tech assistance or IT assistance to digitally film each sport workshop*
4. Use of Sports Equipment
IAAAC will canvas all the workshop presenters to determine their exact needs for each workshop. One month prior to the conference, IAAAC will submit a list of materials that will be needed at each workshop site.
Provide a staff/set up crew to assist in the distribution of sports equipment to various venues prior to the start of each workshop or a system to allow workshop presenters to access sports equipment
Provide a generic set of equipment (sport specific balls, bibs, cones) for general drill presentations at each workshop site
5. Students Athletics
The sport workshops are hands-on opportunities for coaches/teachers to share their drills with all participants. In reality, the best manner in which to remember a drill is to participate in the drill, however, sometimes it is very beneficial for teachers to watch a pro in action. Having students assist each coach will his/her drill will allow for teachers to video or take notes during the drill presentation.
- Host school will arrange to provide 6-10 students per sport workshop
- Coaches/PE teachers may choose to use these students to assist in demonstrating a drill
- Student should have functional knowledge of the sport in order to speed up the deliverance of the drill
- Students should be at the Junior Varsity or Varsity age levels (15-19)
- Student will receive the following:
- Drills they can take back to their host school team and share with coaches and team mates
- IAAAC t-shirt
- Lunch and coffee break
6. Food Services
IAAAC will have a large number of hungry coaches, teachers and Athletic Directors that need to be fed. On each day of the conference, IAAAC will provide two (2) coffee breaks as well as a hearty lunch. On day one (1) and day three (3) the food will be provided by the conference hotel. On day two (2) of the conference, meals and breaks will be at the school site. We have two suggested options for the on-site day.
Option 1
- IAAAC will cater the event from an outside provider
- IAAAC will require access area for tables, chairs and water for catering company
- IAAAC will arrange all menu, set up time, etc. and provide information to host school
- Provide host school food service provider the opportunity to receive an additional contract and provide additional revenue for host school.
- Host school will provide confirmation of school food service provider to provide ‘DAY 2’ lunch and coffee break
- IAAAC will provide on-site liaison with preliminary attendee numbers on September 1
- Host school will provide IAAAC contact information of school food service provider, OR
- Host school may choose to select menu and organize meal
- Cost of lunch, beverage (non-alcoholic) and two (2) coffee breaks should not exceed $15 US per attendee
7. Suppliers
There are a number of items that will complement the success of any conference. Quality suppliers of various materials will decrease import issues as well as support the local economy of the host school. IAAAC will need a number of suppliers from the local market to assist in providing a quality conference. Please provide IAAAC with contact information for the follow suppliers that your school currently uses.
- T-shirt
- Polo-shirt
- Water bottle
- Printer (for conference program)
- Printer (signs and banners)
8. Receiving & Storage of IAAAC Items
Prior to the IAAAC Conference, conference items will arrive at the host school and need to be stored. To decrease the inconvenience of taking up space in a schools’ precious storage areas, IAAAC will arrange to do its best to ensure all items arrive as close to the conference date as possible. However, this is not always possible. IAAAC requests the storage of IAAAC items in a clean, dry, safe and secure area of the host school.
*Complementary Access to IAAAC Conference
In appreciation for utilizing your schools facilities to assist in supporting, IAAAC will provide a number of ‘general access’ passes to members of your educational organization. This pass will provide an executive attendee access to all events, workshops presentations and meals. This attendee does not register for any events or the conference and will receive a special ‘all access’ pass for the conference. General Access pass is reserved for the following persons from the host school. Please provide IAAAC with the names and correct titles for each of the following positions by September 1
- Superintendent/Director
- Assistant Superintendent/Director (if applicable)
- Athletic Director
- Athletic Director Administrative Assistant
- Assistant Athletic Director (if applicable)
- High School Principal
- Middle School Principal
- Elementary Principal
Host School Attendees
The host school will be able to register up to 10 physical education teachers and coaches that are employed at the school as a teacher, or as a full time coach for the host school. The registration for these teachers and coaches will be waved.
If the host school chooses to register more than 10 teachers and coaches, a charge will be applied to cover the cost of conference meals, room rental, conference fees that the conference hotel is charging IAAAC on a per person rate. This amount comes to approximately $____US/person.
Discount Codes
When registering your first 10 staff, in order to receive the 100% discount for each attendee, please enter the following code <_____> on the main registration page. When registering any additional staff 11+ persons, please enter the following code <_____> on the main registration page