Craig Johnson 2015
Craig Johnson's roots, as an educator and a leader, are as a Soccer Coach and an Athletic Director. Craig has served as the Superintendent of the American School of Bombay. Craig and his family lived in Brazil where he served as the Athletic Director, High School Principal, and Head of School at two different American schools. A dedicated educationist, Craig endeavours to stay engaged with his students and faculty by teaching classes, coaching teams, and leading professional learning communities. A regular presenter and workshop facilitator on a variety of Leadership and Educational topics, Mr. Johnson is a passionate advocate for Innovation and Relevancy in the world of Education. Craig coaches a professional soccer team in India, serves as a consultant for several global Educational Sports' providers, has authored numerous articles on a variety of subjects, and is the author of a published novel, Wave Watcher.
Craig Johnson's roots, as an educator and a leader, are as a Soccer Coach and an Athletic Director. Craig has served as the Superintendent of the American School of Bombay. Craig and his family lived in Brazil where he served as the Athletic Director, High School Principal, and Head of School at two different American schools. A dedicated educationist, Craig endeavours to stay engaged with his students and faculty by teaching classes, coaching teams, and leading professional learning communities. A regular presenter and workshop facilitator on a variety of Leadership and Educational topics, Mr. Johnson is a passionate advocate for Innovation and Relevancy in the world of Education. Craig coaches a professional soccer team in India, serves as a consultant for several global Educational Sports' providers, has authored numerous articles on a variety of subjects, and is the author of a published novel, Wave Watcher.
Registration - The Westin Grand Sukhumvit
Thursday, October 1: 4:00 - 7:30 pm: 8th Floor Registration
Friday, October 2: 8:00 am - 9:00 am: 7th Floor Coffee
Opening Keynote - Craig Johnson:
Craig is one of the most inspirational and dynamic leaders in education that you will have opportunity to hear. Craig speaks on Leadership and Educational issues and is a workshop facilitator and presenter. He currently coaches a pro soccer team in Mumbai and serves as a consultant for Global Educational Sports’ Providers. When Craig is not coaching, consulting or speaking, he is the Superintendant at the American School of Bombay.
Friday, October-02-15 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Ballroom 1 (Chair)
Coffee Break - 8th Floor
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Developing Yourself As a “Whole” Coach, to Coach the Whole Athlete - (Part of “The Art of Teach Coaching” series that reinforces team foundations.) This session explores established research recognized traits of the most successful coaches: developing philosophies; establishing routines and procedures; behaviours; attitudes; reliability & accountability; team selection process, all of which contribute to athletes evolving into people of integrity, and responsibility on and off the playing field.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, teacher, AD, coach, etc. Joseph is currently doing research, and developing in-service education programs for skills development at World United Education, where he is the director of curriculum development.
Friday, October-02-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT)
Building a K-12 Athletic and Activity Program - Ryan would like to share his experiences in "Building a K-12 Athletic and Activity Program." How to get teams and clubs to support each other and the school. How to best use your facilities to build your programs. How to engage students in all aspects of their School and Athletic and Activity Program. How to involve teachers in the Athletic and Activity Program.
Mr. Ryan Naughton was a former Valparaiso University Baseball Player, Marketing Manager at GMR Marketing, History Teacher, and School Administrator and is now the Athletic Director and Activities Coordinator of the American Community School at Beirut Lebanon.
Friday, October-02-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT+S)
iPE using your iPad - This is an interactive discussion and sharing workshop for physical education teachers that are currently using their ipads or want to get more out of their ipads. Bring your favourite ipad or tablet apps and get ready to share and educate your peers on the latest apps that you use in your PE class or as a coach.
Fred Miller will be offering this workshop.
Friday, October-02-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1 (CR)
What Drives Winning?? - Lynn Kachmarik will take coaches, teachers and athletic directors through sport phycology behind what drives coaches, students and parents to want to win. Lynn will provide strategies to help coaches to better handle the win-at-all-cost coach, or the coach that doesn't know you can win without the scoreboard telling your so. Strategies on to better understand the student that can only see the point total at the end of the game and anything less is not a win. Lynn will lead a round table discussion on best practices as a leader that are found in the world of educational sport.
Friday, October-02-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 1 (RT)
Beyond the Scoreboard: A New Success Metric - The "Better Play Program" focuses on enlisting players and parents to attenuate to game play through tracking developmental metrics, rather than through score results. We will be exploring how to use charities and charitable giving as a way to encourage participants to play for a higher purpose. The benefits are multiple from employing this program in our school; improved parental satisfaction/behaviour, more engaged players and more invested coaches. The current program was implemented at SCIS Shanghai in the middle school CISSA league.
Mike DeNeef currently serves as the Athletics Chair for ACAMIS (Association of China and Mongolian International Schools), secretary for SISAC (Shanghai International Schools Athletic Conference). At SCIS Mike is happily employed as the Athletic and Activities Co-ordinator as well as Head of Department for High School Physical Education.
Friday, October-02-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Friday Lunch @ Taste - Please check if you plan to eat lunch at the Westin. Checking this box will allow us to create a ticket for your lunch which you will need to show in order to access the lunch area.
Friday, October-02-15 - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Seasonal Tastes Restaurant
International Educators Transitions Between Schools - If you are looking for an international job this, or any year, in the future, you should not miss this workshop. Craig Johnson will walk you through the do's and don'ts of the recruitment season. What to do before, during and after you arrive at your new school, and what not to do before, during and after you arrive--to ensure and smooth and successful transition into your new post.
Friday, October-02-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT)
What is Coach Education? What Should it Look like? - As a rowing coordinator and athletic director, you are sometimes faced with hiring coaches outside of the teaching staff at your school or coaches that may not have all the qualities you want. Stacy has run a high school rowing program in Australia and been the Athletic Director in a K-12 school in Uganda, she will bring her experiences of working with, supporting and leading a diverse range of coaches and discuss what coach education could look like and why we all can include it in our program.
Stacy Wallace-Cunningham is the MS Athletics and Activities Coordinator at Chadwick International. Stacy rowed competitively while coordinating a rowing program in Australia, prior to embarking on her International Education journey in Uganda and now Korea. Stacy spent 6 years as an Athletics Director and Head of Physical Education in Uganda, where she co-started the first sporting league. Stacy has been teaching and coaching for over 10 years.
Friday, October-02-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 1 (RT)
Inspiring “The Whole Athlete” - Enhancing the foundation and tools for pursuing excellence and nurturing quality people. (Interactive Discussion) Teachers and coaches will leave this session with strategies, steps to follow, and thoughts on modeling their behavior that serve as a catalyst for inspiring students to be the best they can be. We will revisit, explore, and strengthen “qualities” that make us great teachers and coaches, which in turn will inspire ours students to pursue excellence. Participants will leave this session replenished with new paradigms and strategies, empowered to reach new heights in teaching and coaching.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, district tournament coordinator, Phys. Ed coordinator, athletic coordinator, athletic association director, and teacher. Joseph has presented over 300 workshops, a number of fitness instructor certification courses, and sponsored numerous conferences for fitness and health professionals.
Friday, October-02-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT+S)
Taping Techniques - Focusing on taping techniques for sprains, decrease pain, muscle guarding and spasm, static stretching, increase strength, improve functional ability, psychological considerations and record keeping.
Dave Johnson (MS, ATC) is making his fourth command appearance at the IAAAC conference. Dave is a certified athletic trainer working as a consultant with Blue Nile Consultants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Dave has worked in athletic training/sports medicine for 20 years at Truman State and Liberty University. He has worked with athletes in many sports in high school, college.
Friday, October-02-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1
International Safety - Topics will include the following discussion and sharing topics: International travel & health care; Outdoor safety (temperatures, relative humidity, lightning policy procedures); Physical safety and facilities; Pre-Season Physicals & Permission Forms; Ambulance care; Insurance; Online information; EFR training information/requirements (AED's); Emergency communication; Bomb threats & political unrest or natural disasters; Chaperon Responsibilities/Duties; Wills. Safety is something that happens between your ears, not something you hold in your hands. Our teachers are responsible for our children’s welfare for the 6 or 8 hours they are at school and we need to know without question that their safety will be paramount on the minds of teachers, faculty & volunteers.
Gerry Steiert is the Athletic Director at Ruamrudee International School in Bangkok. Gerry has been involved in education as a teacher since 1984. Gerry's education includes a Masters in Educational Administration and he is a Certified EFR Instructor Trainer. His passion in Education is to let the children play and learn.
Friday, October-02-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Coffee Break - 8th Floor
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Proactive Nutrition for High Performance; In Physical Activity and in Work - This session clarifies the basics of nutrition; explores essential nutritional needs for increased physical/work issues; addresses use of supplements, explores the practicality of carbo-loading; and visits the role/application of special diets. Further discussion on effects of alcohol is included for consideration. Material and information from this session can be directly taken back to the classroom for a nutrition curriculum program in science or health education.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, district tournament coordinator, Phys. Ed coordinator, athletic coordinator, athletic association director, and teacher. Joseph has presented over 300 workshops, a number of fitness instructor certification courses, and sponsored numerous conferences for fitness and health professionals. Recommended for… coaches and PE teachers
Friday, October-02-15 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1 (CR)
Assessment in MS/HS Physical Education - What are the latest techniques and strategies in assessment in PE? How are you bringing in standard based assessment into your PE program? This workshop is a discussion group that will look into different assessment tools for secondary PE. Bring your ideas and systems and get ready to share, defend, discuss and learn.
Ron Schnell is a High School PE teacher at the Anglo American School of Moscow. A graduate and athlete from the University of Ottawa has taught overseas for the last 12 years now. Ron has taught in South-East Asia for 10 years and coaches basketball. He has taught all levels of PE from Pre-K 3 to Grade 12.
Friday, October-02-15 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT+S)
Athletic Directors: Your Role as an Administrator - Craig Johnson started his career in education as a teacher. He was a Coach, Athletic Director, Principal, Director and Superintendent. The title of Athletic Director brings forward the perception of an administrator but depending on the structure of your school, the position can be found in various places on the administrative spectrum. Craig will provide you with a better understanding of your role as an administrator.
Friday, October-02-15 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT)
MS/HS PE Round Table Forum - Physical Education teachers will have the opportunity to share their policies and ideas on how they handle various situations in their classroom. Topics of discussion will cover some of the following topics: chronic late students, PE uniforms, locker room supervision, routines during class, how do you record your attendance, the first 15 and last 15 minutes of class routine, etc. Other topics are welcome.
PE teachers will be asked to submit topics of interest to the facilitator prior to the conference in order to make this session as relevant as possible.
Friday, October-02-15 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT)
Elementary PE Round Table Forum - Physical Education teachers will have the opportunity to share their policies and ideas on how they handle various situations in their classroom. Topics of discussion will cover some of the following topics: assessment, inclusion, PE uniforms, routines during class, discipline, make PE fun and in control, the first 15 and last 15 minutes of class routine, etc. Other topics are welcome.
ES PE teachers will be asked to submit topics of interest to the facilitator prior to the conference in order to make this session as relevant as possible.
Friday, October-02-15 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT+S)
Cocktail Reception - Please join us for a few hours after the opening day for a beverage and finger food. Take this opportunity to network, create new friendships and get reacquainted with old friends. All beverages and food are complementary with the exception of highballs.
Friday, October-02-15 - 5:15 PM - 7:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: 25th floor - Altitude
Day 2 - October 3 Saturday - NIST International School
7:45 am - 8:30 am: Coffee 4th Floor HUB
DAY 2 - October 3 Saturday - NIST International School
7:45 am - 8:30 am: Coffee 4th Floor HUB
Emergency First Response: Primary Care, AED & O2 Use (Certification Course with 24 month validity) - The Emergency First response courses teach people how to provide emergency care for someone in need. These courses make learning easy by providing a non-stressful environment in which participants practice and apply emergency care skills.The course is designed to: 1) help participants remember appropriate emergency care procedures during timed of need, and 2) encourage them to apply those procedures by assisting those needing emergency care.
Emergency First response courses are based on “current” internationally recognized medical guidelines for emergency care. The course covers the following areas: • Scene assessment, Taking care of yourself • Contacting the Emergency Services • Dealing with unresponsiveness, recovery position • One operator CPR, Adult, Child, Infant • Casualty examination • Managing serious bleeding • Shock management • Providing stabilization for suspected spinal injuries.
Graham is an International School teacher/ specialist Outdoor Educator currently working at NIST International School. For the past 30 years, he was worked in the field of Outdoor Education, as a coach, manager, senior development officer and teacher. He is a British Canoe Union Level 5 Coach Raft Guide and Rescue 3 Swift Water Rescue Instructor. He holds British Mountaineering Council, rock climbing and mountaineering awards as well as been a keen and avid PADI Scuba Instructor.
Time Duration - 4 hours. Course materials cost will be covered through the IAAAC registration fee. Minimum of 2 - maximum 24. Certification Valid for 24 months.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor 5401-06
How To be the Teacher/Coach - Emphasize a philosophy that links your coaching to the classroom and the classroom to your coaching. Unifying coaching techniques into the realm of Physical Education and visa versa. Joe will get groups to think about the links you can create in your lessons plans in the classroom and after school. Creating spirit, sportsmanship, educational skill development and building relationships.
Joe Toler has been teaching for 12 years and has been overseas in Korea and Moscow. He has been a PE teacher and Athletic Director and coaches soccer and cross country. Joe believes a strong classroom philosophy anchors every teacher in their planning direction and success on both courts.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Modified PE Games for MS/HS - Come on out and learn some new games and activities that will motivate your students and keep them active in class. Ron will share 1 or 2 games that have worked well for him over the last several years. Each participant should bring a modified PE game that has worked for them. Come with some of your own creative ideas as well.
Ron Schnell is a High School PE teacher at the Anglo American School of Moscow. A graduate and athlete from the University of Ottawa has taught overseas for the last 12 years now. Ron has taught in South-East Asia for 10 years and coaches basketball. He has taught all levels of PE from Pre-K 3 to Grade 12. Please feel free to bring one of your best modified games or warm-up that you feel others may not have seen before.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 5th Floor Gym
NIST Soccer/Football Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field 1
NIST Softball Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field 2
NIST Badminton Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym I & II
NIST Tennis Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Tennis Courts - Gym Roof
NIST ES/MS/HS Volleyball Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Pawel Ptak from the American School of Warsaw, will make his command 4th appearance to lead this job a like. We always enjoy having Pawel at the IAAAC conference and am looking forward to some of his new drills.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym III
Water Polo Job-A-Like- Lynn Kachmarik comes out of retirement and back into the pool to work with coaches and students utilizing her 20+ years of experience as a member of coach of the US National team as well as various Universities. if you ever wanted to get some water polo tips from the pro's this is the job-a-like to attend. Bring your swim suit as you will need to get wet for this activity.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: NIST Pool
Coffee Break - HUB 4th Floor
10:00 am - 10:30 am
American Volleyball Academy Clinic 1 - American Volleyball Academy is putting on a Coaches clinic to offer some modern concepts, philosophies, techniques and drills that can instantly help improve your team's/school's consistency and level of play. The clinic mainly focuses on individual skills as they are the building blocks for success. This will be hands on, so Coaches will play and participate in the drills as it is David's philosophy that the coach should be able to demonstrate the skills to his/her players/students.
David Mackenzie is the owner of American Volleyball Academy and operates volleyball clinics to coaches and students at international schools. David will present a condensed version of his clinic for coaches and students for those interested in learning some new techniques or bringing AVA to their school. David just held a 4 day camp at ISKL and was highly recommended to show his clinic at the IAAAC Conference.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym I
ES Physical Education Games & Activities Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring discussion topics that they would like to further explore in the realm of elementary school physical education. Some common topics of discussion for ES PE are warm-up games, assessment, fitness, dance, modified games and aquatics. Please be prepared to teach and participate in some of your most engaging games and activities.
Jeff Harrison and Chad Rickner teacher Elementary PE at the American School in Japan
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 5th Floor
NIST ES/MS Basketball Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym I
Floor Hockey & Sportsmanship - This workshop will explore a variety of topics including general safety, proper use of equipment, sticking handling, shooting, passing, goal tending issues, and lead up games for floor hockey. Each participant will be given a sportsmanship rubric which focuses on student physical and mental safety. By the end of the session, participants will be able to successfully implement the sportsmanship rubric while at the same time providing a safe environment for playing floor hockey.
Brad Newell has been working at international schools for the past 15 years as an educator in elementary, middle, and high school. During his career in education he has assumed roles as teacher, Athletic Director, Coach, Head of Department, personal trainer and a group fitness instructor. Brad is excited to be back presenting at IAAAC for the second year.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym I
Football the Chelsea Way - Senior International Development Officer David Monk, will give a presentation on implementing at international schools a complete Football development program the Chelsea way.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field
NIST Track Sprint Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Michael Lomax and Shane Rubie will tag team this job-a-like. Shane Rubie is the Athletics Director at Bingham Academy in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. He is a former Australian U18 and u20 National Decathlon Champion. Shane has taught and coached track and field for the past 23yrs.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field 1
Taping Techniques - Focusing on taping techniques for sprains, decrease pain, muscle guarding and spasm, static stretching, increase strength, improve functional ability, psychological considerations and record keeping.
Dave Johnson (MS, ATC) is making his third command appearance at the IAAAC conference. Dave is a certified athletic trainer working as a consultant with Blue Nile Consultants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Dave has worked in athletic training/sports medicine for 20 years at Truman State and Liberty University. He has worked with athletes in many sports in high school, college.
Recommended for... coaches, PE teachers and athletic trainers
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Swimming Technique: Favourite & Effective Drills to Improve Your Swimmer's Technique – For the last 15 years, Bolek Szuter has been responsible for creating, modifying, teaching and coaching swimming at the American School of Warsaw. Graduated from the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw. Bolek swam for the Polish Nation Swim team for over 10 years and have been coaching swimming at clubs and ASW for over 23 years. He bring to this workshop an opportunity for all swim coaches and teachers the opportunity to look into his extensive swimming portfolio. Bolek is currently involved in Masters Swimming in Europe. Please bring your swim suit and be prepared to practice the techniques and share your own.
Lynn Kachmarik is eager to attend this session and learn from the best, and possibly, share her ideas on swim programs. If you are an aquatics director or swim coach, you should not miss this workshop.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Pool/HUB 4th Floor 5401-06
Saturday Lunch @ NIST Main Cafeteria - Only select if you plan to eat lunch at the school. These numbers will be used to determine the order and you will be issued a meal ticket
Saturday, October-03-15 - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Climbing Wall Use & Games - Current best practice in climbing wall usage. This workshop will explore a whole variety of issues, including: Group Control, Belaying, Coaching Climbing, Equipment Care & Maintenance.
This is a hands on presentation. Climbing is fun, especially after you have learned the basics. However, the is workshop will take the art of climbing to the next level. Adding in climbing games to your wall program will create new levels of teamwork, fun and excitement (while maintaining a safe environment).
Graham is a PE teacher at NIST and an Outdoor Education Master. Graham will take you through the do's and don'ts of wall climbing.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Behind the Main Gymnasium
Play Like a Champion Coach Workshop for Athletic Directors and Coaches - Lynn Kachmarik will lead a 2.5 hour interactive workshop on "Coaching for Character" at the high school level. This is a very power coach workshop for the high school student athlete. The workshop will focus on unrest about sports and coaching realities. Nearly everywhere one turns, there is mounting evidence that activities once seen as enjoyable and nurturing are becoming instead hard work and of questionable developmental value. Several disturbing trends have emerged. Broadly identified trends affecting our educational system include a win at all cost immorality, driving commercialism and the exclusion of the non elite. The workshop will make every coach and Athletic Director “re-think” how they approach their team and program and allow all attendee’s to look at their current program philosophies from a new perspective.Some topics that will be discussed are: 1) Win-at-all cost mentality that can be counter-productive to the character-building qualities, 2) Parents and their sky-high ambitions, 3) How to handle incidents of sports “rage,” 4) Steroid/drug and alcohol use, 5) unethical coaching behavior, the subtleties of bullying that occur even on the most well mannered teams, and 6) academic dishonesty that can follow school athletes… yes, even the best of the best.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
NIST Cricket Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring along a few of their "best" drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own "warm up games" or "skill drills" for the group using guest athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drill, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group. Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their colleagues. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time remaining, coaches may even play a match.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field II
American Volleyball Academy Clinic 2 - American Volleyball Academy is putting on a Coaches clinic to offer some modern concepts, philosophies, techniques and drills that can instantly help improve your team's/school's consistency and level of play. The clinic mainly focuses on individual skills as they are the building blocks for success. This will be hands on, so Coaches will play and participate in the drills as it is David's philosophy that the coach should be able to demonstrate the skills to his/her players/students.
David Mackenzie is the owner of American Volleyball Academy and operates volleyball clinics to coaches and students at international schools. David will present a condensed version of his clinic for coaches and students for those interested in learning some new techniques or bringing AVA to their school. David just held a 4 day camp at ISKL and was highly recommended to show his clinic at the IAAAC Conference.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym II
Aquatic Directors/Specialist Round Table - Aquatics Specialist will meet together to discuss relevant issues and share information on the following topics: swim meets, team selection, guards, instructors, competitive programs, learn to swim, pool maintenance, locker room security/safety protocols, equipment/uniforms, team-building, etc. Suggested Participants: All Aquatic Directors/Specialist who are interested in bettering their program and sharing the good things you do at your school.
Attendee's will be asked to submit topics of interest to the facilitator prior to the conference in order to make this session as relevant as possible.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Fundamental Movement Skills for Success in Primary PE Programmes - Phil will explore in this workshop the importance of cross discipline fundamental movement skills which are often ignored by teachers and coaches in their quest for student maximization of individual potential in individual activity areas.
Phil Bond is currently Primary PE Coordinator at The Regent's International School, Bangkok. Having lived in Thailand for 15 years, Phil has also taught in State and Private Education in the UK, runs his own successful PE consultancy. A county cricketer, county tennis player and wannabe runner and triathlete,
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Top Flight Basketball Instruction Workshop - Basketball and Coaches clinic presented by the Top Flight Basketball Academy. The clinic will be led by former professional basketball player and NCAA national champion Ike Nwankwo. The workshop will introduce coaching techniques and fun drills that focus on teaching the fundamentals of the game to students. Top Flight is a Bangkok based academy established in 2010 that works to promote the game of basketball in Thailand and throughout south east Asia.
Ike Nwankwo is a former professional basketball player who was a high school All-American from Houston Texas. He played his collegiate basketball at UCLA and was a member of the 1995 Championship team he played in the NBA with the Los Angeles Lakers Houston Rockets and in 8 countries throughout Europe and Asia. He founded Top Flight Basketball Academy in 2010 after his retirement from professional basketball.
Recommend for... coaches and PE teachers
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym III
Teaching and Coaching Track & Field (Jumps & Throws) - Mr Shane Rubie a former Australian u18 &u20 National Decathlon Champion will instruct you on how to teach a student centred approach to teaching Track and field in Physical Education Lessons. While learning progressions and techniques to coach athletes of all abilities.This session will cover Both throwing and Jumping events.
Shane Rubie is the Athletics Director at Bingham Academy in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. He is a former Australian U18 and u20 National Decathlon Champion. Shane has taught and coached track and field for the past 23yrs. He believes Track and Field is an activity which creates opportunities for all students to challenge themselves to do their best and achieve individual improvement.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field
NIST Coffee Break: 4th Floor HUB
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Touch Rugby TGFU: Attacking Principles & Developing Game Sense - Dave will share with you game specific skills and drills that will help your players improve their decision making by understanding the tactics involved in a fast flowing game. These will include ideas for contact players, as developing competent 7's and 15's players offers students another avenue for success. This will be an active session so please come ready to get involved.
Dave Horner is the Athletic Director at Riffa Views International School and current Bahrain RFC player who has played contact and touch rugby on four different continents. Dave's playing career began at Mansfield RFC and moved to the University of Chichester, where he completed his teaching degree. Dave's background in coaching touch and contact rugby at the MS/HS level was certified in the UK and worked in Kuwait, Shanghai and Guatemala.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field I
Just Ask IKE! High Level Basketball Round Table - Ike will host a round table discussion and workout session for coaches, AD's and PE teachers that want to take their team to the next level. If you are having problems breaking a strong 2-3 zone, if you have always wanted to implement a pro-in-bound play, if you would like ideas on how to kill the clock with 40 seconds left in the game and you are up by 1, or ideas on how to come back is you are down by 2 with a minute to play... you can ask any question, and Ike will use his vast experience to provide you with some strategies
Ike Nwankwo is a former professional basketball player who was a high school All-American from Houston Texas. He played his collegiate basketball at UCLA and was a member of the 1995 Championship team he played in the NBA with the Los Angeles Lakers Houston Rockets and in 8 countries throughout Europe and Asia. He founded Top Flight Basketball Academy in 2010 after his retirement from professional basketball.
Recommended for... Varsity, JV Basketball coaches
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym III
Polish PE Games - If you are looking for some new games you could use in your Net Games or Invasion Games unit this workshop will provide you with some new ideas. Please, come prepared to play the games!
Pawel Ptak is back for his 4th IAAAC Conference. His workshops are always amazing, interesting and full of new and exciting techniques. You don't want to miss this workshop. You will walk away with some of the best games for your PE class.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 5th Floor Gym
Kayak Skills & Drills: Use of a Pool Environment - A practical series of “top tips and handy hints” for Paddles/Pool Staff/PE Teachers & Coaches. On best practice drills in a swimming pool. Led by Graham Wardle a British Canoe Union Level 5 Coach. Anyone is able to take this course as Graham will introduce you to the Kayak in a safe and fun process. He is one of the the best.
Graham is one of the top rated Outdoor Educational specialists in the field. He has paddled, rafted, dived, trekked and climbed in 35 countries. He is a British Canoe Union Level 5 Coach Raft Guide and Rescue 3 Swift Water Rescue Instructor. He has been instrumental in the development of White Water Safety & Rescue techniques in the UK and Europe, along with the development of canoe sport/white water rafting coach education schemes and Outdoor Risk Management Training.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Pool
Advanced Taping Techniques - Dave Johnson will show you every trick in the book to tape an ankle and quadriceps to an elbow and finger. Dave has been taping professional athletes for over 20 years and is an expert in the field. You do not want to miss this workshop. Wear clothes that allow for easy taping, as all participants will have hands on opportunity to participate.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Strength Conditioning – Effect on Metabolism and Role in Health Management - (Active workshop) This workshop will present information on the muscle loss and metabolic decrease associated with sedentary lifestyles, as well as the metabolic adaptations associated with regular strength exercise. Participants will explore samples of safe, effective, and efficient strength development programs, with and without a variety of equipment. Teachers and coaches will be able to take back information and material that can be immediately implemented in their physical education and athletic programs.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, teacher, AD, coach, etc. Joseph is currently doing research, and developing in-service education programs for skills development at World United Education, where he is the director of curriculum development.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Weight Room - Bottom Floor of Gym
Online Sign Ups for Activities - As International School ECA programs get ever bigger, managing sign ups, administering programs has moved towards online data systems. This workshop aims to share what systems NIST uses and provide a platform for discussion on best practice.
Paul Hodgkinson is the Director of Athletics & Activities at the NIST. Paul holds a combined honours degree from Exeter University, England. Paul played rugby, tennis and soccer at university representative level in addition to playing club rugby post university.
Recommended for... AD's, Aquatics Directors, Activities Directors
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Day 3 - October 4 Sunday - The Westin Grand Sukhumvit
8:00 am - 8:30 am: Coffee 8th Floor
Building a Partnership between your PE & Athletic Departments - The workshop will focus on the emphasis on creating a culture of sportsmanship, school spirit and success with all. Cultures are not built over a season and neither are programs or even dynasties. The workshop will look at each departments internal motivation and role in building teamwork and a spirit culture. Hand pick your Athletic Council, use focus groups, strategic and action plans.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Athletic Directors Round Table: Athletic Directors will meet together to discuss relevant issues and share information on the following topics: job openings, resume's, pay scales, coaches pay scales, program handbooks, locker room security/protocols, fund raising, team-building, etc. Suggested Participants: All Athletic Directors who are interested in bettering their program and sharing the good things you do at your school. AD's will be asked to submit topics of interest to the facilitator prior to the conference in order to make this session as relevant as possible.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT)
Nutrition Timing for Your Athletes - This course will review current nutritional guidelines with an emphasis on how to schedule meals and snacks to optimize your athletes' energy needs for practice, competition, and recovery.
Dave Johnson (MS, ATC) is making his third command appearance at the IAAAC conference. Dave is a certified athletic trainer working as a consultant with Blue Nile Consultants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Dave has worked in athletic training/sports medicine for 20 years at Truman State and Liberty University. He has worked with athletes in many sports in high school, college.
Recommended for... coaches, PE teachers and athletic trainers
Sunday, October-04-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 1 (RT)
Quality Coaching = Quality Leadership - Attitudes & understandings to develop, and steps to take, to elevate the development of the “whole athlete”. You will leave this session with a renewed sense of beliefs for the athletes you coach. Coaches and teachers will conclude this session energized with additional paradigms and new perspectives on “attitude”. Understandings of motivation, peak performance, and commitment will be reinforced. Research findings on student perceived weaknesses in teachers and coaches will be discussed. Participants will be fortified with beliefs, attitudes, and revitalization when returning to their students.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, district tournament coordinator, Phys. Ed coordinator, athletic coordinator, athletic association director, and teacher. Joseph has presented over 300 workshops, a number of fitness instructor certification courses, and sponsored numerous conferences for fitness and health professionals.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT+S)
Outdoor Learning - CARDS Introduction to Outdoor & Environmental Learning: Do you want to deliver outdoor learning in your school in a structured and progressive way? The outdoor learning cards offer a progressive and differentiated way for your students to learn in the outdoors focusing on orienteering, team building/ problem solving, journeying and bouldering. The 26 Environmental Cards cover 4 Key areas: Awareness & Experience, Explore & Understand, Sustain & Conserve, Create & Share. This practical workshop will give an insight into how these cards can be used in any curriculum, for students aged 5-15.
Graham Wardle is the Outdoor Education Specialist at NIST and is a world renowned kayaker, and aquatics specialist.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1
Coffee Break - 8th Floor
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Looking through the Lens of Community Service in Aquatics: The Athlete Views their Sport - Will focus on Service Learning Programs (specifically the success of the Swim For Life program at UNIS) and explore the authentic connections made between various programs in which students are involved – Physical Education, Service Learning and extra curricular Sports. Swim for Life addresses community needs for swimming and water safety. Vietnamese youth, most commonly children from unprivileged families, including the disabled, homeless and local neighbourhood schoolchildren, have benefited from our direct-service program. The presentation will focus on: positive student success in service program; Connecting PE, Service & Sports; Specialized training for students and real world applications.
Ella Healy is the Aquatics Coordinator, coach and swim teacher at the United Nations International School in Hanoi, Vietnam. Ella is an international PE teacher and a swim coach who has worked in four international schools and has spent the last nine years at UNIS, developing the swim, Aquatics Academy and Swim for Life programs.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Twitter & Social for the AD, Coach, PE Teacher - Do you want to become savvy with your social media. The PE Geeks that have leveraged social media to make great strides in Physical Education – there is no reason why AD’s and coaches shouldn’t be able to do the same. We will use the PE Geeks history as a template and expand into Twitter/ Linked In Google+ and related avenues.
Mike DeNeef currently serves as the Athletics Chair for ACAMIS (Association of China and Mongolian International Schools), secretary for SISAC (Shanghai International Schools Athletic Conference). At SCIS Mike is happily employed as the Athletic and Activities Co-ordinator as well as Head of Department for High School Physical Education.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1
Communication - Having the Difficult Talk - Participants will be provided with various tips on communicating within the athletic program, its participants, parents and faculty. The workshop will go into the areas of email, follow up and parent meetings; these areas will be addressed via presentation, role play and group activities.
Evan Scott has over twenty years as a Physical Education,American Football, Basketball, Lacrosse and Golf coach and Athletic Director within public, independent and international schools (Finland, Mexico and China).
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT+T)
The Art of Team Coaching: Motivation - The Art of Team Coaching encompasses a series of seminars designed to enhance coaching skills and success. They can be attended as workshops that build upon each other or as separate entities. In the topic of “Motivation”, participants will explore “Sharing Power & Responsibility Through Team Meetings”, “Team Outcome Goals”, “Team Performance Goals”, and “Team Behaviour Goals”. Ultimately coaches will leave this session with reinforced skills and perspectives on building a stronger team unity.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, district tournament coordinator, Phys. Ed coordinator, athletic coordinator, athletic association director, and teacher. Joseph has presented over 300 workshops, a number of fitness instructor certification courses, and sponsored numerous conferences for fitness and health professionals.
Recommended for… AD’s and coaches that want to focus their team and program around success
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 1 (RT)
Coaching the Coaches - A working model at UNIS HanoiAt UNIS Hanoi, Simon Mills, a Physical Education teacher, community sports coach and professional rugby coach will explain the philosophy behind coaching the coaches. A funded position at UNIS where time is given to supporting the school coaches and athletes through workshops, seminars, newsletters, on-line data and one to one sessions designed to raise the coaching abilities of staff.
Simon Mills is currently working at UNIS Hanoi as a MSHS PE teacher and coaching mentor. He previously taught PE and coached many sports in New Zealand elementary and high schools. He coached rugby full time in Japan for 3 years. He has initiated a new position at UNIS as a "Coach of coaches."
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT)
Working Smarter and Not Harder: A Systematic Approach to Managing Athletic/Activity Programs - Rich's workshop will focus on defining, implementing and assessing systems in order to manage a transparent and equitable athletic/activity program. The workshop will focus on how to optimize student-athlete coaching time and develop greater program satisfaction throughout school-wide community (students, parents, coaches and teachers). Workshop attendees are encouraged to bring either a soft or hard copy of their current program's handbook. Key topics: Utilizing technology, Communication, Emergency response plans, Facility and equipment management, Finances, Staffing, Evaluations and Quality control.
Rich McLeod is a graduate of the University of British Columbia and Oxford Brookes University. He has been an athletic administrator for over 10 years in South East Asia, Europe and Africa. He is currently an international schools consultant residing in Bangkok.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1
Sunday Lunch @ Taste - Please check if you plan to eat lunch at the Westin. Checking this box will allow us to create a ticket for your lunch which you will need to show in order to access the lunch area.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Seasonal Taste Sensations
The Importance of Leadership and then Management - According to Harvard Business Review, over 1/3 of registered voters select a leader who can "Inspire and motivate others." Stacy Wallace was 22 years old when she was first hired as a High School Rowing Coordinator in Australia. After 10+ years teaching, coaching and directing she will share her experiences, studies in Management and Leadership and her mistakes and how these lessons can positively impact your relationships as an AD with your coaches or as a coach with your athletes.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT)
Trip Leadership & Critical Incident Management: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly - An interactive workshop looking at ‘best practice’ on running any form of residential trip, be it Service Learning, Sport or Adventure. Objectives include: to have an understanding of your ”duty of care” as either a trip leader or chaperone; understand the Roles of Outdoor Leaders/Teachers when organizing or conducting outdoor adventure/Residential trips; Under taken a Crisis Scenarios, as a table top exercise and understand the importance of crisis management training.
Tim Chappell Is currently working as the Campus Manager at Harrow International School, Bangkok where he has lived for the last 6 years. He previously worked as a Police Officer for Bedfordshire Police in England where he received extensive training and experience in crisis management and created similar programs for teachers. Tim recently has moved into facilities management. Graham Wardle is one of the top rated Outdoor Educational specialists in the field. He has been instrumental in the development of White Water Safety & Rescue techniques in the UK and Europe, along with the development of canoe sport/white water rafting coach education schemes and Outdoor Risk Management Training.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Stability and Mobility in Student Athletes - Do you know if your athletes need more stability or mobility in their movement? How can you get maximum performance out of your physical education students and athletes on your teams? In this presentation we will look to see what joints in the body typically need to become more mobile and which need more stability for rotational sports. Functional movement is one of the best ways to ensure your athletes are able to perform at their best in your programs. We will show you how to test for it and give you some programs that can help your athlete improve in their sport.
Curtis Hegge is a PE teacher at ISKL and comes from Canada. He spent 8 years in Dubai before moving to Kuala Lumpur. He has been a coach of multiple sports and a certified Titielst performance institute golf fitness coach. He has worked with multiple athletes and shown many coaches and PE teachers the importance of functional movement in PE and sport.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Sport Medicine Seminar - Mr. David Johnson who is a certified expert in sports medicine. The workshop will cover the following topics: psychology - knowing your athletes; Physical Factors; Acute Injuries - what do do with the most common injuries for 24-72 hours; Initial Evaluation of Injuries - How to assess; Rehabilitation Principles - How to get your athlete back on the court.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1
Balance in the AD Job... Fantasy or Achievable Reality? - Most school communities recognize the AD position as one of the busiest leadership positions within the school and without doubt understand that the position requires the greatest time commitment beyond normal contract hours. In such a job, is it possible to achieve a balance between personal life and work life? Are we able to role model what we aim to install in our own athletes; a healthy, active balanced lifestyle? This workshop will require participants to reflect on their own personal time management and current state of balance. Participants will be presented with useful models of time management and specific technologies available to make you more efficient in your work and to ensure that you move towards a better balance between work and life.
Andy Vaughan worked as the Athletic Director at International School Bangkok for the past five years. After a change in ISB's mission statement a few years ago to include that 'students should lead Healthy active balanced lives', Andy took this on personally. Andy now finds time to compete in half ironman distance triathlons and daily attempts to gain a better balance.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2
Keynote - Lynn Kachmarik - Play Like a Champion Today Director, University of Notre Dame. Lynn serves as the National Outreach Director for the Play Like a Champion Today Coaching for Character Program at the University of Notre Dame. Prior to Play Like a Champion Today Lynn was the head coach for Bucknell University's (NCAA Div I) men's & women's water polo, swimming and diving teams. She has been an Athletic Director at Saint Mary's College for 10 years, Vice President and GM of the AA South Bend Silver Hawks and has 40+ years of experience as a youth, high school, collegiate coach and assistant National Team Coach. We are very excited to have Lynn provide us with a number of workshop and be our closing Keynote speaker.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Ballroom 1 (Chair)
Closing Presentation
Sunday, October-04-15 - 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: 8th Floor
Coffee Break - 7th Floor
3:15 pm - 4:00 pm
Thursday, October 1: 4:00 - 7:30 pm: 8th Floor Registration
Friday, October 2: 8:00 am - 9:00 am: 7th Floor Coffee
Opening Keynote - Craig Johnson:
Craig is one of the most inspirational and dynamic leaders in education that you will have opportunity to hear. Craig speaks on Leadership and Educational issues and is a workshop facilitator and presenter. He currently coaches a pro soccer team in Mumbai and serves as a consultant for Global Educational Sports’ Providers. When Craig is not coaching, consulting or speaking, he is the Superintendant at the American School of Bombay.
Friday, October-02-15 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Ballroom 1 (Chair)
Coffee Break - 8th Floor
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Developing Yourself As a “Whole” Coach, to Coach the Whole Athlete - (Part of “The Art of Teach Coaching” series that reinforces team foundations.) This session explores established research recognized traits of the most successful coaches: developing philosophies; establishing routines and procedures; behaviours; attitudes; reliability & accountability; team selection process, all of which contribute to athletes evolving into people of integrity, and responsibility on and off the playing field.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, teacher, AD, coach, etc. Joseph is currently doing research, and developing in-service education programs for skills development at World United Education, where he is the director of curriculum development.
Friday, October-02-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT)
Building a K-12 Athletic and Activity Program - Ryan would like to share his experiences in "Building a K-12 Athletic and Activity Program." How to get teams and clubs to support each other and the school. How to best use your facilities to build your programs. How to engage students in all aspects of their School and Athletic and Activity Program. How to involve teachers in the Athletic and Activity Program.
Mr. Ryan Naughton was a former Valparaiso University Baseball Player, Marketing Manager at GMR Marketing, History Teacher, and School Administrator and is now the Athletic Director and Activities Coordinator of the American Community School at Beirut Lebanon.
Friday, October-02-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT+S)
iPE using your iPad - This is an interactive discussion and sharing workshop for physical education teachers that are currently using their ipads or want to get more out of their ipads. Bring your favourite ipad or tablet apps and get ready to share and educate your peers on the latest apps that you use in your PE class or as a coach.
Fred Miller will be offering this workshop.
Friday, October-02-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1 (CR)
What Drives Winning?? - Lynn Kachmarik will take coaches, teachers and athletic directors through sport phycology behind what drives coaches, students and parents to want to win. Lynn will provide strategies to help coaches to better handle the win-at-all-cost coach, or the coach that doesn't know you can win without the scoreboard telling your so. Strategies on to better understand the student that can only see the point total at the end of the game and anything less is not a win. Lynn will lead a round table discussion on best practices as a leader that are found in the world of educational sport.
Friday, October-02-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 1 (RT)
Beyond the Scoreboard: A New Success Metric - The "Better Play Program" focuses on enlisting players and parents to attenuate to game play through tracking developmental metrics, rather than through score results. We will be exploring how to use charities and charitable giving as a way to encourage participants to play for a higher purpose. The benefits are multiple from employing this program in our school; improved parental satisfaction/behaviour, more engaged players and more invested coaches. The current program was implemented at SCIS Shanghai in the middle school CISSA league.
Mike DeNeef currently serves as the Athletics Chair for ACAMIS (Association of China and Mongolian International Schools), secretary for SISAC (Shanghai International Schools Athletic Conference). At SCIS Mike is happily employed as the Athletic and Activities Co-ordinator as well as Head of Department for High School Physical Education.
Friday, October-02-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Friday Lunch @ Taste - Please check if you plan to eat lunch at the Westin. Checking this box will allow us to create a ticket for your lunch which you will need to show in order to access the lunch area.
Friday, October-02-15 - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Seasonal Tastes Restaurant
International Educators Transitions Between Schools - If you are looking for an international job this, or any year, in the future, you should not miss this workshop. Craig Johnson will walk you through the do's and don'ts of the recruitment season. What to do before, during and after you arrive at your new school, and what not to do before, during and after you arrive--to ensure and smooth and successful transition into your new post.
Friday, October-02-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT)
What is Coach Education? What Should it Look like? - As a rowing coordinator and athletic director, you are sometimes faced with hiring coaches outside of the teaching staff at your school or coaches that may not have all the qualities you want. Stacy has run a high school rowing program in Australia and been the Athletic Director in a K-12 school in Uganda, she will bring her experiences of working with, supporting and leading a diverse range of coaches and discuss what coach education could look like and why we all can include it in our program.
Stacy Wallace-Cunningham is the MS Athletics and Activities Coordinator at Chadwick International. Stacy rowed competitively while coordinating a rowing program in Australia, prior to embarking on her International Education journey in Uganda and now Korea. Stacy spent 6 years as an Athletics Director and Head of Physical Education in Uganda, where she co-started the first sporting league. Stacy has been teaching and coaching for over 10 years.
Friday, October-02-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 1 (RT)
Inspiring “The Whole Athlete” - Enhancing the foundation and tools for pursuing excellence and nurturing quality people. (Interactive Discussion) Teachers and coaches will leave this session with strategies, steps to follow, and thoughts on modeling their behavior that serve as a catalyst for inspiring students to be the best they can be. We will revisit, explore, and strengthen “qualities” that make us great teachers and coaches, which in turn will inspire ours students to pursue excellence. Participants will leave this session replenished with new paradigms and strategies, empowered to reach new heights in teaching and coaching.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, district tournament coordinator, Phys. Ed coordinator, athletic coordinator, athletic association director, and teacher. Joseph has presented over 300 workshops, a number of fitness instructor certification courses, and sponsored numerous conferences for fitness and health professionals.
Friday, October-02-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT+S)
Taping Techniques - Focusing on taping techniques for sprains, decrease pain, muscle guarding and spasm, static stretching, increase strength, improve functional ability, psychological considerations and record keeping.
Dave Johnson (MS, ATC) is making his fourth command appearance at the IAAAC conference. Dave is a certified athletic trainer working as a consultant with Blue Nile Consultants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Dave has worked in athletic training/sports medicine for 20 years at Truman State and Liberty University. He has worked with athletes in many sports in high school, college.
Friday, October-02-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1
International Safety - Topics will include the following discussion and sharing topics: International travel & health care; Outdoor safety (temperatures, relative humidity, lightning policy procedures); Physical safety and facilities; Pre-Season Physicals & Permission Forms; Ambulance care; Insurance; Online information; EFR training information/requirements (AED's); Emergency communication; Bomb threats & political unrest or natural disasters; Chaperon Responsibilities/Duties; Wills. Safety is something that happens between your ears, not something you hold in your hands. Our teachers are responsible for our children’s welfare for the 6 or 8 hours they are at school and we need to know without question that their safety will be paramount on the minds of teachers, faculty & volunteers.
Gerry Steiert is the Athletic Director at Ruamrudee International School in Bangkok. Gerry has been involved in education as a teacher since 1984. Gerry's education includes a Masters in Educational Administration and he is a Certified EFR Instructor Trainer. His passion in Education is to let the children play and learn.
Friday, October-02-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Coffee Break - 8th Floor
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Proactive Nutrition for High Performance; In Physical Activity and in Work - This session clarifies the basics of nutrition; explores essential nutritional needs for increased physical/work issues; addresses use of supplements, explores the practicality of carbo-loading; and visits the role/application of special diets. Further discussion on effects of alcohol is included for consideration. Material and information from this session can be directly taken back to the classroom for a nutrition curriculum program in science or health education.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, district tournament coordinator, Phys. Ed coordinator, athletic coordinator, athletic association director, and teacher. Joseph has presented over 300 workshops, a number of fitness instructor certification courses, and sponsored numerous conferences for fitness and health professionals. Recommended for… coaches and PE teachers
Friday, October-02-15 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1 (CR)
Assessment in MS/HS Physical Education - What are the latest techniques and strategies in assessment in PE? How are you bringing in standard based assessment into your PE program? This workshop is a discussion group that will look into different assessment tools for secondary PE. Bring your ideas and systems and get ready to share, defend, discuss and learn.
Ron Schnell is a High School PE teacher at the Anglo American School of Moscow. A graduate and athlete from the University of Ottawa has taught overseas for the last 12 years now. Ron has taught in South-East Asia for 10 years and coaches basketball. He has taught all levels of PE from Pre-K 3 to Grade 12.
Friday, October-02-15 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT+S)
Athletic Directors: Your Role as an Administrator - Craig Johnson started his career in education as a teacher. He was a Coach, Athletic Director, Principal, Director and Superintendent. The title of Athletic Director brings forward the perception of an administrator but depending on the structure of your school, the position can be found in various places on the administrative spectrum. Craig will provide you with a better understanding of your role as an administrator.
Friday, October-02-15 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT)
MS/HS PE Round Table Forum - Physical Education teachers will have the opportunity to share their policies and ideas on how they handle various situations in their classroom. Topics of discussion will cover some of the following topics: chronic late students, PE uniforms, locker room supervision, routines during class, how do you record your attendance, the first 15 and last 15 minutes of class routine, etc. Other topics are welcome.
PE teachers will be asked to submit topics of interest to the facilitator prior to the conference in order to make this session as relevant as possible.
Friday, October-02-15 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT)
Elementary PE Round Table Forum - Physical Education teachers will have the opportunity to share their policies and ideas on how they handle various situations in their classroom. Topics of discussion will cover some of the following topics: assessment, inclusion, PE uniforms, routines during class, discipline, make PE fun and in control, the first 15 and last 15 minutes of class routine, etc. Other topics are welcome.
ES PE teachers will be asked to submit topics of interest to the facilitator prior to the conference in order to make this session as relevant as possible.
Friday, October-02-15 - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT+S)
Cocktail Reception - Please join us for a few hours after the opening day for a beverage and finger food. Take this opportunity to network, create new friendships and get reacquainted with old friends. All beverages and food are complementary with the exception of highballs.
Friday, October-02-15 - 5:15 PM - 7:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: 25th floor - Altitude
Day 2 - October 3 Saturday - NIST International School
7:45 am - 8:30 am: Coffee 4th Floor HUB
DAY 2 - October 3 Saturday - NIST International School
7:45 am - 8:30 am: Coffee 4th Floor HUB
Emergency First Response: Primary Care, AED & O2 Use (Certification Course with 24 month validity) - The Emergency First response courses teach people how to provide emergency care for someone in need. These courses make learning easy by providing a non-stressful environment in which participants practice and apply emergency care skills.The course is designed to: 1) help participants remember appropriate emergency care procedures during timed of need, and 2) encourage them to apply those procedures by assisting those needing emergency care.
Emergency First response courses are based on “current” internationally recognized medical guidelines for emergency care. The course covers the following areas: • Scene assessment, Taking care of yourself • Contacting the Emergency Services • Dealing with unresponsiveness, recovery position • One operator CPR, Adult, Child, Infant • Casualty examination • Managing serious bleeding • Shock management • Providing stabilization for suspected spinal injuries.
Graham is an International School teacher/ specialist Outdoor Educator currently working at NIST International School. For the past 30 years, he was worked in the field of Outdoor Education, as a coach, manager, senior development officer and teacher. He is a British Canoe Union Level 5 Coach Raft Guide and Rescue 3 Swift Water Rescue Instructor. He holds British Mountaineering Council, rock climbing and mountaineering awards as well as been a keen and avid PADI Scuba Instructor.
Time Duration - 4 hours. Course materials cost will be covered through the IAAAC registration fee. Minimum of 2 - maximum 24. Certification Valid for 24 months.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor 5401-06
How To be the Teacher/Coach - Emphasize a philosophy that links your coaching to the classroom and the classroom to your coaching. Unifying coaching techniques into the realm of Physical Education and visa versa. Joe will get groups to think about the links you can create in your lessons plans in the classroom and after school. Creating spirit, sportsmanship, educational skill development and building relationships.
Joe Toler has been teaching for 12 years and has been overseas in Korea and Moscow. He has been a PE teacher and Athletic Director and coaches soccer and cross country. Joe believes a strong classroom philosophy anchors every teacher in their planning direction and success on both courts.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Modified PE Games for MS/HS - Come on out and learn some new games and activities that will motivate your students and keep them active in class. Ron will share 1 or 2 games that have worked well for him over the last several years. Each participant should bring a modified PE game that has worked for them. Come with some of your own creative ideas as well.
Ron Schnell is a High School PE teacher at the Anglo American School of Moscow. A graduate and athlete from the University of Ottawa has taught overseas for the last 12 years now. Ron has taught in South-East Asia for 10 years and coaches basketball. He has taught all levels of PE from Pre-K 3 to Grade 12. Please feel free to bring one of your best modified games or warm-up that you feel others may not have seen before.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 5th Floor Gym
NIST Soccer/Football Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field 1
NIST Softball Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field 2
NIST Badminton Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym I & II
NIST Tennis Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Tennis Courts - Gym Roof
NIST ES/MS/HS Volleyball Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Pawel Ptak from the American School of Warsaw, will make his command 4th appearance to lead this job a like. We always enjoy having Pawel at the IAAAC conference and am looking forward to some of his new drills.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym III
Water Polo Job-A-Like- Lynn Kachmarik comes out of retirement and back into the pool to work with coaches and students utilizing her 20+ years of experience as a member of coach of the US National team as well as various Universities. if you ever wanted to get some water polo tips from the pro's this is the job-a-like to attend. Bring your swim suit as you will need to get wet for this activity.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: NIST Pool
Coffee Break - HUB 4th Floor
10:00 am - 10:30 am
American Volleyball Academy Clinic 1 - American Volleyball Academy is putting on a Coaches clinic to offer some modern concepts, philosophies, techniques and drills that can instantly help improve your team's/school's consistency and level of play. The clinic mainly focuses on individual skills as they are the building blocks for success. This will be hands on, so Coaches will play and participate in the drills as it is David's philosophy that the coach should be able to demonstrate the skills to his/her players/students.
David Mackenzie is the owner of American Volleyball Academy and operates volleyball clinics to coaches and students at international schools. David will present a condensed version of his clinic for coaches and students for those interested in learning some new techniques or bringing AVA to their school. David just held a 4 day camp at ISKL and was highly recommended to show his clinic at the IAAAC Conference.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym I
ES Physical Education Games & Activities Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring discussion topics that they would like to further explore in the realm of elementary school physical education. Some common topics of discussion for ES PE are warm-up games, assessment, fitness, dance, modified games and aquatics. Please be prepared to teach and participate in some of your most engaging games and activities.
Jeff Harrison and Chad Rickner teacher Elementary PE at the American School in Japan
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 5th Floor
NIST ES/MS Basketball Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym I
Floor Hockey & Sportsmanship - This workshop will explore a variety of topics including general safety, proper use of equipment, sticking handling, shooting, passing, goal tending issues, and lead up games for floor hockey. Each participant will be given a sportsmanship rubric which focuses on student physical and mental safety. By the end of the session, participants will be able to successfully implement the sportsmanship rubric while at the same time providing a safe environment for playing floor hockey.
Brad Newell has been working at international schools for the past 15 years as an educator in elementary, middle, and high school. During his career in education he has assumed roles as teacher, Athletic Director, Coach, Head of Department, personal trainer and a group fitness instructor. Brad is excited to be back presenting at IAAAC for the second year.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym I
Football the Chelsea Way - Senior International Development Officer David Monk, will give a presentation on implementing at international schools a complete Football development program the Chelsea way.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field
NIST Track Sprint Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring a few of their “best” drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own “warm up games” or “skill drills” for the group using the guest student athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drills, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group, Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their coaches. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time left over, the coaches may even play a game.
Michael Lomax and Shane Rubie will tag team this job-a-like. Shane Rubie is the Athletics Director at Bingham Academy in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. He is a former Australian U18 and u20 National Decathlon Champion. Shane has taught and coached track and field for the past 23yrs.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field 1
Taping Techniques - Focusing on taping techniques for sprains, decrease pain, muscle guarding and spasm, static stretching, increase strength, improve functional ability, psychological considerations and record keeping.
Dave Johnson (MS, ATC) is making his third command appearance at the IAAAC conference. Dave is a certified athletic trainer working as a consultant with Blue Nile Consultants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Dave has worked in athletic training/sports medicine for 20 years at Truman State and Liberty University. He has worked with athletes in many sports in high school, college.
Recommended for... coaches, PE teachers and athletic trainers
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Swimming Technique: Favourite & Effective Drills to Improve Your Swimmer's Technique – For the last 15 years, Bolek Szuter has been responsible for creating, modifying, teaching and coaching swimming at the American School of Warsaw. Graduated from the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw. Bolek swam for the Polish Nation Swim team for over 10 years and have been coaching swimming at clubs and ASW for over 23 years. He bring to this workshop an opportunity for all swim coaches and teachers the opportunity to look into his extensive swimming portfolio. Bolek is currently involved in Masters Swimming in Europe. Please bring your swim suit and be prepared to practice the techniques and share your own.
Lynn Kachmarik is eager to attend this session and learn from the best, and possibly, share her ideas on swim programs. If you are an aquatics director or swim coach, you should not miss this workshop.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Pool/HUB 4th Floor 5401-06
Saturday Lunch @ NIST Main Cafeteria - Only select if you plan to eat lunch at the school. These numbers will be used to determine the order and you will be issued a meal ticket
Saturday, October-03-15 - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Climbing Wall Use & Games - Current best practice in climbing wall usage. This workshop will explore a whole variety of issues, including: Group Control, Belaying, Coaching Climbing, Equipment Care & Maintenance.
This is a hands on presentation. Climbing is fun, especially after you have learned the basics. However, the is workshop will take the art of climbing to the next level. Adding in climbing games to your wall program will create new levels of teamwork, fun and excitement (while maintaining a safe environment).
Graham is a PE teacher at NIST and an Outdoor Education Master. Graham will take you through the do's and don'ts of wall climbing.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Behind the Main Gymnasium
Play Like a Champion Coach Workshop for Athletic Directors and Coaches - Lynn Kachmarik will lead a 2.5 hour interactive workshop on "Coaching for Character" at the high school level. This is a very power coach workshop for the high school student athlete. The workshop will focus on unrest about sports and coaching realities. Nearly everywhere one turns, there is mounting evidence that activities once seen as enjoyable and nurturing are becoming instead hard work and of questionable developmental value. Several disturbing trends have emerged. Broadly identified trends affecting our educational system include a win at all cost immorality, driving commercialism and the exclusion of the non elite. The workshop will make every coach and Athletic Director “re-think” how they approach their team and program and allow all attendee’s to look at their current program philosophies from a new perspective.Some topics that will be discussed are: 1) Win-at-all cost mentality that can be counter-productive to the character-building qualities, 2) Parents and their sky-high ambitions, 3) How to handle incidents of sports “rage,” 4) Steroid/drug and alcohol use, 5) unethical coaching behavior, the subtleties of bullying that occur even on the most well mannered teams, and 6) academic dishonesty that can follow school athletes… yes, even the best of the best.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
NIST Cricket Job-A-Like - Participants are asked to bring along a few of their "best" drills to share with their peers. The Job-A-Like facilitator will provide one of their own "warm up games" or "skill drills" for the group using guest athletes or coaches to assist in the demonstration. Participants will then share their own drill, ideas, concepts, etc. with the group. Coaches are encouraged to video the drills to take back to their own school and share with their colleagues. You should walk away from this session with 15-20 new drills. If there is time remaining, coaches may even play a match.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field II
American Volleyball Academy Clinic 2 - American Volleyball Academy is putting on a Coaches clinic to offer some modern concepts, philosophies, techniques and drills that can instantly help improve your team's/school's consistency and level of play. The clinic mainly focuses on individual skills as they are the building blocks for success. This will be hands on, so Coaches will play and participate in the drills as it is David's philosophy that the coach should be able to demonstrate the skills to his/her players/students.
David Mackenzie is the owner of American Volleyball Academy and operates volleyball clinics to coaches and students at international schools. David will present a condensed version of his clinic for coaches and students for those interested in learning some new techniques or bringing AVA to their school. David just held a 4 day camp at ISKL and was highly recommended to show his clinic at the IAAAC Conference.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym II
Aquatic Directors/Specialist Round Table - Aquatics Specialist will meet together to discuss relevant issues and share information on the following topics: swim meets, team selection, guards, instructors, competitive programs, learn to swim, pool maintenance, locker room security/safety protocols, equipment/uniforms, team-building, etc. Suggested Participants: All Aquatic Directors/Specialist who are interested in bettering their program and sharing the good things you do at your school.
Attendee's will be asked to submit topics of interest to the facilitator prior to the conference in order to make this session as relevant as possible.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Fundamental Movement Skills for Success in Primary PE Programmes - Phil will explore in this workshop the importance of cross discipline fundamental movement skills which are often ignored by teachers and coaches in their quest for student maximization of individual potential in individual activity areas.
Phil Bond is currently Primary PE Coordinator at The Regent's International School, Bangkok. Having lived in Thailand for 15 years, Phil has also taught in State and Private Education in the UK, runs his own successful PE consultancy. A county cricketer, county tennis player and wannabe runner and triathlete,
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Top Flight Basketball Instruction Workshop - Basketball and Coaches clinic presented by the Top Flight Basketball Academy. The clinic will be led by former professional basketball player and NCAA national champion Ike Nwankwo. The workshop will introduce coaching techniques and fun drills that focus on teaching the fundamentals of the game to students. Top Flight is a Bangkok based academy established in 2010 that works to promote the game of basketball in Thailand and throughout south east Asia.
Ike Nwankwo is a former professional basketball player who was a high school All-American from Houston Texas. He played his collegiate basketball at UCLA and was a member of the 1995 Championship team he played in the NBA with the Los Angeles Lakers Houston Rockets and in 8 countries throughout Europe and Asia. He founded Top Flight Basketball Academy in 2010 after his retirement from professional basketball.
Recommend for... coaches and PE teachers
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym III
Teaching and Coaching Track & Field (Jumps & Throws) - Mr Shane Rubie a former Australian u18 &u20 National Decathlon Champion will instruct you on how to teach a student centred approach to teaching Track and field in Physical Education Lessons. While learning progressions and techniques to coach athletes of all abilities.This session will cover Both throwing and Jumping events.
Shane Rubie is the Athletics Director at Bingham Academy in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. He is a former Australian U18 and u20 National Decathlon Champion. Shane has taught and coached track and field for the past 23yrs. He believes Track and Field is an activity which creates opportunities for all students to challenge themselves to do their best and achieve individual improvement.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field
NIST Coffee Break: 4th Floor HUB
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Touch Rugby TGFU: Attacking Principles & Developing Game Sense - Dave will share with you game specific skills and drills that will help your players improve their decision making by understanding the tactics involved in a fast flowing game. These will include ideas for contact players, as developing competent 7's and 15's players offers students another avenue for success. This will be an active session so please come ready to get involved.
Dave Horner is the Athletic Director at Riffa Views International School and current Bahrain RFC player who has played contact and touch rugby on four different continents. Dave's playing career began at Mansfield RFC and moved to the University of Chichester, where he completed his teaching degree. Dave's background in coaching touch and contact rugby at the MS/HS level was certified in the UK and worked in Kuwait, Shanghai and Guatemala.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Field I
Just Ask IKE! High Level Basketball Round Table - Ike will host a round table discussion and workout session for coaches, AD's and PE teachers that want to take their team to the next level. If you are having problems breaking a strong 2-3 zone, if you have always wanted to implement a pro-in-bound play, if you would like ideas on how to kill the clock with 40 seconds left in the game and you are up by 1, or ideas on how to come back is you are down by 2 with a minute to play... you can ask any question, and Ike will use his vast experience to provide you with some strategies
Ike Nwankwo is a former professional basketball player who was a high school All-American from Houston Texas. He played his collegiate basketball at UCLA and was a member of the 1995 Championship team he played in the NBA with the Los Angeles Lakers Houston Rockets and in 8 countries throughout Europe and Asia. He founded Top Flight Basketball Academy in 2010 after his retirement from professional basketball.
Recommended for... Varsity, JV Basketball coaches
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Gym III
Polish PE Games - If you are looking for some new games you could use in your Net Games or Invasion Games unit this workshop will provide you with some new ideas. Please, come prepared to play the games!
Pawel Ptak is back for his 4th IAAAC Conference. His workshops are always amazing, interesting and full of new and exciting techniques. You don't want to miss this workshop. You will walk away with some of the best games for your PE class.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 5th Floor Gym
Kayak Skills & Drills: Use of a Pool Environment - A practical series of “top tips and handy hints” for Paddles/Pool Staff/PE Teachers & Coaches. On best practice drills in a swimming pool. Led by Graham Wardle a British Canoe Union Level 5 Coach. Anyone is able to take this course as Graham will introduce you to the Kayak in a safe and fun process. He is one of the the best.
Graham is one of the top rated Outdoor Educational specialists in the field. He has paddled, rafted, dived, trekked and climbed in 35 countries. He is a British Canoe Union Level 5 Coach Raft Guide and Rescue 3 Swift Water Rescue Instructor. He has been instrumental in the development of White Water Safety & Rescue techniques in the UK and Europe, along with the development of canoe sport/white water rafting coach education schemes and Outdoor Risk Management Training.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Pool
Advanced Taping Techniques - Dave Johnson will show you every trick in the book to tape an ankle and quadriceps to an elbow and finger. Dave has been taping professional athletes for over 20 years and is an expert in the field. You do not want to miss this workshop. Wear clothes that allow for easy taping, as all participants will have hands on opportunity to participate.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Strength Conditioning – Effect on Metabolism and Role in Health Management - (Active workshop) This workshop will present information on the muscle loss and metabolic decrease associated with sedentary lifestyles, as well as the metabolic adaptations associated with regular strength exercise. Participants will explore samples of safe, effective, and efficient strength development programs, with and without a variety of equipment. Teachers and coaches will be able to take back information and material that can be immediately implemented in their physical education and athletic programs.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, teacher, AD, coach, etc. Joseph is currently doing research, and developing in-service education programs for skills development at World United Education, where he is the director of curriculum development.
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Weight Room - Bottom Floor of Gym
Online Sign Ups for Activities - As International School ECA programs get ever bigger, managing sign ups, administering programs has moved towards online data systems. This workshop aims to share what systems NIST uses and provide a platform for discussion on best practice.
Paul Hodgkinson is the Director of Athletics & Activities at the NIST. Paul holds a combined honours degree from Exeter University, England. Paul played rugby, tennis and soccer at university representative level in addition to playing club rugby post university.
Recommended for... AD's, Aquatics Directors, Activities Directors
Saturday, October-03-15 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: HUB 4th Floor: 5401-06
Day 3 - October 4 Sunday - The Westin Grand Sukhumvit
8:00 am - 8:30 am: Coffee 8th Floor
Building a Partnership between your PE & Athletic Departments - The workshop will focus on the emphasis on creating a culture of sportsmanship, school spirit and success with all. Cultures are not built over a season and neither are programs or even dynasties. The workshop will look at each departments internal motivation and role in building teamwork and a spirit culture. Hand pick your Athletic Council, use focus groups, strategic and action plans.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Athletic Directors Round Table: Athletic Directors will meet together to discuss relevant issues and share information on the following topics: job openings, resume's, pay scales, coaches pay scales, program handbooks, locker room security/protocols, fund raising, team-building, etc. Suggested Participants: All Athletic Directors who are interested in bettering their program and sharing the good things you do at your school. AD's will be asked to submit topics of interest to the facilitator prior to the conference in order to make this session as relevant as possible.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT)
Nutrition Timing for Your Athletes - This course will review current nutritional guidelines with an emphasis on how to schedule meals and snacks to optimize your athletes' energy needs for practice, competition, and recovery.
Dave Johnson (MS, ATC) is making his third command appearance at the IAAAC conference. Dave is a certified athletic trainer working as a consultant with Blue Nile Consultants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Dave has worked in athletic training/sports medicine for 20 years at Truman State and Liberty University. He has worked with athletes in many sports in high school, college.
Recommended for... coaches, PE teachers and athletic trainers
Sunday, October-04-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 1 (RT)
Quality Coaching = Quality Leadership - Attitudes & understandings to develop, and steps to take, to elevate the development of the “whole athlete”. You will leave this session with a renewed sense of beliefs for the athletes you coach. Coaches and teachers will conclude this session energized with additional paradigms and new perspectives on “attitude”. Understandings of motivation, peak performance, and commitment will be reinforced. Research findings on student perceived weaknesses in teachers and coaches will be discussed. Participants will be fortified with beliefs, attitudes, and revitalization when returning to their students.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, district tournament coordinator, Phys. Ed coordinator, athletic coordinator, athletic association director, and teacher. Joseph has presented over 300 workshops, a number of fitness instructor certification courses, and sponsored numerous conferences for fitness and health professionals.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT+S)
Outdoor Learning - CARDS Introduction to Outdoor & Environmental Learning: Do you want to deliver outdoor learning in your school in a structured and progressive way? The outdoor learning cards offer a progressive and differentiated way for your students to learn in the outdoors focusing on orienteering, team building/ problem solving, journeying and bouldering. The 26 Environmental Cards cover 4 Key areas: Awareness & Experience, Explore & Understand, Sustain & Conserve, Create & Share. This practical workshop will give an insight into how these cards can be used in any curriculum, for students aged 5-15.
Graham Wardle is the Outdoor Education Specialist at NIST and is a world renowned kayaker, and aquatics specialist.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1
Coffee Break - 8th Floor
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Looking through the Lens of Community Service in Aquatics: The Athlete Views their Sport - Will focus on Service Learning Programs (specifically the success of the Swim For Life program at UNIS) and explore the authentic connections made between various programs in which students are involved – Physical Education, Service Learning and extra curricular Sports. Swim for Life addresses community needs for swimming and water safety. Vietnamese youth, most commonly children from unprivileged families, including the disabled, homeless and local neighbourhood schoolchildren, have benefited from our direct-service program. The presentation will focus on: positive student success in service program; Connecting PE, Service & Sports; Specialized training for students and real world applications.
Ella Healy is the Aquatics Coordinator, coach and swim teacher at the United Nations International School in Hanoi, Vietnam. Ella is an international PE teacher and a swim coach who has worked in four international schools and has spent the last nine years at UNIS, developing the swim, Aquatics Academy and Swim for Life programs.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Twitter & Social for the AD, Coach, PE Teacher - Do you want to become savvy with your social media. The PE Geeks that have leveraged social media to make great strides in Physical Education – there is no reason why AD’s and coaches shouldn’t be able to do the same. We will use the PE Geeks history as a template and expand into Twitter/ Linked In Google+ and related avenues.
Mike DeNeef currently serves as the Athletics Chair for ACAMIS (Association of China and Mongolian International Schools), secretary for SISAC (Shanghai International Schools Athletic Conference). At SCIS Mike is happily employed as the Athletic and Activities Co-ordinator as well as Head of Department for High School Physical Education.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1
Communication - Having the Difficult Talk - Participants will be provided with various tips on communicating within the athletic program, its participants, parents and faculty. The workshop will go into the areas of email, follow up and parent meetings; these areas will be addressed via presentation, role play and group activities.
Evan Scott has over twenty years as a Physical Education,American Football, Basketball, Lacrosse and Golf coach and Athletic Director within public, independent and international schools (Finland, Mexico and China).
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT+T)
The Art of Team Coaching: Motivation - The Art of Team Coaching encompasses a series of seminars designed to enhance coaching skills and success. They can be attended as workshops that build upon each other or as separate entities. In the topic of “Motivation”, participants will explore “Sharing Power & Responsibility Through Team Meetings”, “Team Outcome Goals”, “Team Performance Goals”, and “Team Behaviour Goals”. Ultimately coaches will leave this session with reinforced skills and perspectives on building a stronger team unity.
Joseph Morgan has 35 years experience as an educator in elementary, middle, and high schools. During his career in education he has assumed roles as Health & Wellness Coordinator, district tournament coordinator, Phys. Ed coordinator, athletic coordinator, athletic association director, and teacher. Joseph has presented over 300 workshops, a number of fitness instructor certification courses, and sponsored numerous conferences for fitness and health professionals.
Recommended for… AD’s and coaches that want to focus their team and program around success
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 1 (RT)
Coaching the Coaches - A working model at UNIS HanoiAt UNIS Hanoi, Simon Mills, a Physical Education teacher, community sports coach and professional rugby coach will explain the philosophy behind coaching the coaches. A funded position at UNIS where time is given to supporting the school coaches and athletes through workshops, seminars, newsletters, on-line data and one to one sessions designed to raise the coaching abilities of staff.
Simon Mills is currently working at UNIS Hanoi as a MSHS PE teacher and coaching mentor. He previously taught PE and coached many sports in New Zealand elementary and high schools. He coached rugby full time in Japan for 3 years. He has initiated a new position at UNIS as a "Coach of coaches."
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2 (RT)
Working Smarter and Not Harder: A Systematic Approach to Managing Athletic/Activity Programs - Rich's workshop will focus on defining, implementing and assessing systems in order to manage a transparent and equitable athletic/activity program. The workshop will focus on how to optimize student-athlete coaching time and develop greater program satisfaction throughout school-wide community (students, parents, coaches and teachers). Workshop attendees are encouraged to bring either a soft or hard copy of their current program's handbook. Key topics: Utilizing technology, Communication, Emergency response plans, Facility and equipment management, Finances, Staffing, Evaluations and Quality control.
Rich McLeod is a graduate of the University of British Columbia and Oxford Brookes University. He has been an athletic administrator for over 10 years in South East Asia, Europe and Africa. He is currently an international schools consultant residing in Bangkok.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1
Sunday Lunch @ Taste - Please check if you plan to eat lunch at the Westin. Checking this box will allow us to create a ticket for your lunch which you will need to show in order to access the lunch area.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Seasonal Taste Sensations
The Importance of Leadership and then Management - According to Harvard Business Review, over 1/3 of registered voters select a leader who can "Inspire and motivate others." Stacy Wallace was 22 years old when she was first hired as a High School Rowing Coordinator in Australia. After 10+ years teaching, coaching and directing she will share her experiences, studies in Management and Leadership and her mistakes and how these lessons can positively impact your relationships as an AD with your coaches or as a coach with your athletes.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 3/4 (RT)
Trip Leadership & Critical Incident Management: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly - An interactive workshop looking at ‘best practice’ on running any form of residential trip, be it Service Learning, Sport or Adventure. Objectives include: to have an understanding of your ”duty of care” as either a trip leader or chaperone; understand the Roles of Outdoor Leaders/Teachers when organizing or conducting outdoor adventure/Residential trips; Under taken a Crisis Scenarios, as a table top exercise and understand the importance of crisis management training.
Tim Chappell Is currently working as the Campus Manager at Harrow International School, Bangkok where he has lived for the last 6 years. He previously worked as a Police Officer for Bedfordshire Police in England where he received extensive training and experience in crisis management and created similar programs for teachers. Tim recently has moved into facilities management. Graham Wardle is one of the top rated Outdoor Educational specialists in the field. He has been instrumental in the development of White Water Safety & Rescue techniques in the UK and Europe, along with the development of canoe sport/white water rafting coach education schemes and Outdoor Risk Management Training.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Stability and Mobility in Student Athletes - Do you know if your athletes need more stability or mobility in their movement? How can you get maximum performance out of your physical education students and athletes on your teams? In this presentation we will look to see what joints in the body typically need to become more mobile and which need more stability for rotational sports. Functional movement is one of the best ways to ensure your athletes are able to perform at their best in your programs. We will show you how to test for it and give you some programs that can help your athlete improve in their sport.
Curtis Hegge is a PE teacher at ISKL and comes from Canada. He spent 8 years in Dubai before moving to Kuala Lumpur. He has been a coach of multiple sports and a certified Titielst performance institute golf fitness coach. He has worked with multiple athletes and shown many coaches and PE teachers the importance of functional movement in PE and sport.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Botan 1/2 (RT+S)
Sport Medicine Seminar - Mr. David Johnson who is a certified expert in sports medicine. The workshop will cover the following topics: psychology - knowing your athletes; Physical Factors; Acute Injuries - what do do with the most common injuries for 24-72 hours; Initial Evaluation of Injuries - How to assess; Rehabilitation Principles - How to get your athlete back on the court.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Boardroom 1
Balance in the AD Job... Fantasy or Achievable Reality? - Most school communities recognize the AD position as one of the busiest leadership positions within the school and without doubt understand that the position requires the greatest time commitment beyond normal contract hours. In such a job, is it possible to achieve a balance between personal life and work life? Are we able to role model what we aim to install in our own athletes; a healthy, active balanced lifestyle? This workshop will require participants to reflect on their own personal time management and current state of balance. Participants will be presented with useful models of time management and specific technologies available to make you more efficient in your work and to ensure that you move towards a better balance between work and life.
Andy Vaughan worked as the Athletic Director at International School Bangkok for the past five years. After a change in ISB's mission statement a few years ago to include that 'students should lead Healthy active balanced lives', Andy took this on personally. Andy now finds time to compete in half ironman distance triathlons and daily attempts to gain a better balance.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Stateroom 2
Keynote - Lynn Kachmarik - Play Like a Champion Today Director, University of Notre Dame. Lynn serves as the National Outreach Director for the Play Like a Champion Today Coaching for Character Program at the University of Notre Dame. Prior to Play Like a Champion Today Lynn was the head coach for Bucknell University's (NCAA Div I) men's & women's water polo, swimming and diving teams. She has been an Athletic Director at Saint Mary's College for 10 years, Vice President and GM of the AA South Bend Silver Hawks and has 40+ years of experience as a youth, high school, collegiate coach and assistant National Team Coach. We are very excited to have Lynn provide us with a number of workshop and be our closing Keynote speaker.
Sunday, October-04-15 - 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: Ballroom 1 (Chair)
Closing Presentation
Sunday, October-04-15 - 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia Time)
Location: 8th Floor
Coffee Break - 7th Floor
3:15 pm - 4:00 pm